Vladzimir Prashleutos: Parents

Categories: Parents, Vladzimir Prashleutos

My father was a Lithuanian, my mother was a local. Father came here in 1934. Mother lived permanently here. My mother could speak the Jewish language.

Where did she learn it?

When she was twelve she used to go and stoke a furnace… for the Jews. Because on Fridays when they had passed, they told that it was shabbes, they even didn’t light a match to light up. That’s why our locals, all the villagers, so how old they were… twelve or thirteen. At that time this age was a high time to work: to feed the cows or… so on Sundays during the cold season she used to go and stoke five or six furnaces, and after she was probably given some money for it.

Well, she knew the Jewish language; she could speak it quite well. She told us that if they wanted to speak about something I couldn’t understand they usually spoke Hebrew. She didn’t know Hebrew.



Popularization of the centres of oral history in the LV-BY cross-border area (LLB-2-143)
Daugavpils University Innovation and Development
Promotion Centre
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Promotion Centre

Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus Cross-border Cooperation
Programme within the European
Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013
This project is funded by the European Union
Eiropas Komisijas EuropeAid LV-LT-BY Programmas mājaslapa ES delegācija Baltkrievijā

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