About the tapping birch sap

Categories: Eriks Zachs

In Latgale, and maybe also in Latvia, there is such an unusual thing for the world as tapping birch sap and maple sap and their preservation – so that they could be used for consumption for, let’s say, longer time. What can you tell about it?

Yes, spring is the right time for saps – it’s April, even March. Maple sap is the first that starts flowing. The sap is very sweet, but it cannot be preserved. It can be used at once or the only way to preserve it is simply to pour the sap into big saucepan and vaporize until the concentrated syrup is left. Then the syrup may be used in confectionery, with tea as substitute for sugar, which, of course, is much better and healthier than sugar. Birch sap can be preserved. In the beginning, of course, it can be used fresh, but later it ferments. The first thing done is tapping the sap. To do that you bore holes in tree trunks and put in either a metal trough, or as nowadays, when it is not a deficit, you can buy various pipes – both metal and plastic – and collect the sap into different containers. Then the sap is poured into larger containers, beginning with three-litre jars and various bigger glass and plastic jars. For the sap to ferment, people sometimes add some raisins and blackcurrant twigs, lemons. Some sugar may be added, too. The sap ferments itself and then it can be preserved until the autumn or even longer.




Researcher: Dr. philol. Valentīns Lukaševičs, Daugavpils Universitāte

Popularization of the centres of oral history in the LV-BY cross-border area (LLB-2-143)
Daugavpils University Innovation and Development
Promotion Centre
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Promotion Centre

Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus Cross-border Cooperation
Programme within the European
Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013
This project is funded by the European Union
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