Lev Shlyakhter: Beginning of the war

Categories: Beginning of the war, Lev Shlyakhter

How did you get to know that the war started on the 22nd? Did you hear about it on radio?

You know what. That happened that on the 22nd of June, there lived people in the neighborhood, their relative came to enter the technical college. It was his first exam. There was such a leather-dressing technical school here. And he, when he passed the exams, Zhenya invited me to his village. And there, in the village, I got to know about it. When they started to mobilize the people, they went on foot with knapsacks to the evacuation centre. It was 20, at the end. On the first of September he was going to began his studies, we went to Kirov. I learned about it only in the village. At that time there weren’t loudspeakers in every village. These are such plates. There was nothing. We didn’t know about the beginning, I listened to the radio all the time, you see. Like everybody. We got to know on the second day, and after that the radio was silent day and night. Later on he said. Stalin didn’t talk on the radio. Kalinin did or somebody else.




Researcher: Natalja Ivashchanka, Sviatlana Silava, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Popularization of the centres of oral history in the LV-BY cross-border area (LLB-2-143)
Daugavpils University Innovation and Development
Promotion Centre
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Promotion Centre

Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus Cross-border Cooperation
Programme within the European
Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013
This project is funded by the European Union
Eiropas Komisijas EuropeAid LV-LT-BY Programmas mājaslapa ES delegācija Baltkrievijā

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