Ideya Belskaya: Family relations
Categories: Family, Ideya Belskaya
I was thirteen when the war began. Who we were at this age… But now when someone is thirteen he is a complete child, a spoiled brat. A doll. Well. But at that time we already… for example me, you will know where I was born, we all had duties. Duties. Everyone had. Because all the families were firm. In the evening if someone was missing for the dinner that was a problem. My sister was a hideous runner. He often punished her for that. Our father was very strict. He was a delicate person, he never touched me because I was very calm sincere child. But Nadzya … oh, she was punished, because you know the family should be together, he should know how to live the day, what we have learnt during the day, what the aim of the day was. Do you understand? But there is nothing now. Everybody is scattering away. Am I true? And it takes toll later very much.