Аbout holidays in Latgale before World War II
Categories: First childhood memory, Antonina Ludborza
Story-teller: “We celebrated Summer solstice not just two days, but three, yes! And all the holiday was celebrated for three days. Easter and Christmas were also three-days-long celebrations. At Easter, we had the swings in the village. That was considered a little clearance, you see, and there a dance field for open-air parties was made. They were organized by that farmer .. err .. open-air parties. In Ulmanis’ time, I was a girl at that time; I remember that I was already let to have a look at those open-air parties together with my sister. There was an orchestra. That party was organized by Aizsargs. Yes! So, I … At Easter, already two hours after midday, all the youth of the village, and older ones, who wanted to go to that clearance, you see, to rock on that swing. And that happened like that at every Easter. I also remember one or two couples fell out, so high were they swinging, so it was.”
Researcher: Dr. philol. Gatis Ozoliņš, Daugavpils Universitāte