Рarents Ira Motolyga
Categories: Parents, Ira Motolyga
What were the names of your mother and father?
Mother’s name was Basya Konovna Liberman. Father’s name is Shulman Davyd Aronovich.
How many children did you have in the family?
Only two of children survived. There were more: our elder brother died, and during the war my mother born a boy, he died. Mom worked at the communal catering. She never told that she had received education. She never told anybody. She worked at the communal catering. She could sum up very well, knew the history well, she liked ballet very much, that’s all. And she used to do one thing. When we had some money… what money, she worked alone all her life. She brought us out, she had very… she had friends in Moscow; she took us to the theatre, ballet. And she always told me, «Ira, look! You would never see something like this in Borisov an these towns». She brought us out. Yes, she did, she did her best to lick us into shape.
Researcher: Наталья Иващенко, кандидат исторических наук, ГрГУ им. Я. Купалы, Светлана Силова, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, ГрГУ им. Я. Купалы